Sunday, June 23, 2024

AI Bosch blog on Tumblr

I was creating so many Bosch-inspired images that I've decided to create a blog on Tumblr specifically for them at:

BoschScape, AI generated image


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sun God AI

 Today's output has been a little dark (Bosch, etc.), so here is a more uplifting image:

Sun God AI

Another AI Bosch Apocalypse

With this one, I used Leonardo.Ai's Alchemy Upscaler to improve image quality & upsize it. I'm not sure it made a huge difference, as all the little figures are quite small, so fixing hands & heads, etc. is not a major issue here.

Bosch AI Apocalypse v.2

Creature from the Toxic Lagoon AI

I feel that this one ought to be in a low-budget horror movie...Hollywood, are you watching?

The Creature from the Toxic Lagoon AI

The End of the World by AI Bosch

I've found repeatedly that Leonardo.Ai does a pretty convincing & effective impersonation of Hieronymus Bosch, and its tendency to mess up anatomy (too many legs, etc.) only helps. Here's the Apocalypse:

AI Bosch Apocalypse

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

War Colossus / Queens of the Nile (AI)

 So, I was in a bit of an Egyptian AI mood today...

Queens of the Nile AI

War Colossus AI

Friday, June 07, 2024

Leda and Swans / AI

In this AI-generated image of Leda and swans, how many swans can you count? Partial swans are not to be included...

Leda and Swans, 2024, AI-generated image
Again, this did not make it to the Tumblr blog where the better AI images live.

Annunciation / AI

This is another image that wasn't exactly what I was looking for when I generated it. However, upon reflection, I decided it was worth uploading here, as opposed to the Tumblr blog where my more "finished" AI pieces live.

Annunciation, 2024, AI generated image

The Hat with the Eye / AI

Another oddity/experiment in Leonardo.Ai. With this one I extensively repainted and regenerated the original image until I had this. The original had a sea urchin on a man's head...

The Hat with the Eye, 2024 AI generated image
For more AI images, check out the Tumblr blog.

The Song of the Siren / Drawing

 Another recent ink drawing:

The Song of the Siren, 2024, brush & ink on paper, 14" x 11"

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Lost Among the Spheres / Drawing

In case anyone's wondering if I still make non-AI artwork, the answer is a definite "yes". Here's one from today:

Lost Among the Spheres, ink drawing 14" x 11", 2024

The Man Who Was a Nuclear Weapon AI

I typed in "the man who was a nuclear weapon" and got this faux movie poster with questionable spelling. You never know what you're going to get...coming soon to a movie theater near you...

The Man Who Was A Nuclear Weapon / AI generated image

Still Life with Hypnos variations AI

This is not exactly what I wanted, trying to generate a winged head of the Greek god Hypnos, but I liked the resuts anyway:

Still Life with Hypnos variation AI

Still Life with Hypnos variation AI

Still Life with Hypnos variation AI

Still Life with Hypnos variation AI

Breughel's Tree AI

Here's an odd experiment with Leonardo.Ai--I was trying to generate a version of Bosch's Tree Man from the right-hand panel of the Garden of Earthly Delights--but instead I got this:

Breughel's Tree / AI image
Another variation:

The Man Tree / AI image

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Leonardo.Ai screenshot of a work in progress

 Here is a screenshot of a WIP in the Leonardo.Ai interface (Realtime Canvas section), to demonstrate that AI image generation is slightly more complicated than some people might think. In this case, it's a combination of a text generated image with more text input, plus I've painted extensively on the image to change the shapes and appearance of objects. It's a refining process which can be quite lengthy...AI is really a collection of power tools that enhance creativity.

Leonardo.Ai screenshot

And here is the finished piece:

Light Among the Ruins AI