Tuesday, March 31, 2020

New World City prototype in Unity

Here is a screen grab from my computer where I'm assembling this early version of New World City, an intended large-scale public AR (augmented reality) art installation. The basic idea is of a Utopian city inside a bubble, suffused with positive energy (warmth, humanity, love, stars, etc) & hovering in the sky above us, just out of (or in) reach.

As you can see, I'm building it inside the software package called Unity (the name itself conjures up ideas of human cooperation), having built most of the individual parts in Blender, the 3D modeling program. The double-helix tower near the front is new, having been built specifically for this project by my daughter Lizzie. I'm hoping to gradually replace the more geometric & "computer graphics" -type buildings with more organic forms, possibly sculpted by myself & then scanned into digital format. Previous attempts at 3D scanning have not been stellar, but I'm hoping that with work, we can improve that side of things.

Unity screen grab (PC) with New World City

Monday, March 30, 2020

New World City triptych

Here is a montage of screen grabs from an Android device of the prototype of New World City, which is intended to be a large-scale augmented reality installation. Not sure when this will happen given the current global situation, but I'm working on it in Unity right now. The individual buildings were made in Blender with my developing skills. More to follow when it happens.

New World City AR montage of screen grabs

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Bokete with Sins

As far as I can tell, "bokete" means "jokes", the singular is apparently "bokeh". I found these on a Japanese web page. Google translate did its best, but might have missed some nuances...

These are probably hilarious in the original language

Thursday, March 12, 2020

PsycheAR on the App Store

Just a note to say it's available. It may only work in Mesa AZ (I'll have to check on that & update this). Unfortunately, the Emerge Festival 2020 for which it was created has been postponed due to COVID19 concerns.

Just search the App Store for "PsycheAR". It's free to download & use. That is all.

(Or use this link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/psychear/id1502035232?ls=1)

App Store screen grabs

Manna From Psyche AR tabletop edition

Here is a handy sized version of the giant AR installation intended for Emerge Festival 2020 in Mesa, AZ. Unfortunately the festival has been postponed due to Coronavirus concerns, but Psyche will live on...

Manna From Psyche, 2020, augmented reality
This is marker-based AR -- the Meteor Studio sticker is the visual cue that activates the digital overlay. Thanks to Robert LiKamWa and Aashiq Shaikh from Meteor Studio with all their invaluable help and input on this.

And Now in Russian...

I found this via a reverse image search (my 7 Deadly Sins drawings). I have no idea what it says.

Monday, March 09, 2020

Manna From Psyche short video

Here is a video we shot on an iPhone 7 the other day in Mesa, Arizona, outside the Mesa Arts Center where the forthcoming Emerge Festival will be held. The video is merely a demonstration of how the AR (augmented reality) piece will work & is not very polished. However, I think it gives a pretty good idea of what it will look like. More images coming soon.