Thursday, January 08, 2009

Love, War, Fire, Wind: The ISBN

The above image may not be very exciting to you, but it is slightly more so to myself. Yes, we have the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for "Love, War, Fire, Wind: Looking Out from North America's Skull" by Eliot Katz & myself, soon to be published by Narcissus Press (see link in left sidebar of the blog). Here is the actual number: 978-0-578-00650-5. Hope you can remember that.

Technical explanation of the ISBN bar code: the number at the top is of course the ISBN itself, which is repeated at the bottom, under the left hand block of bar code, which, I presume, is that number in bar code talk (?). On the right, the "51800" code is for the price, $18 US. The "5" stands for "US Dollars" & the 1800 is for the actual eighteen dollar price. Apparently, if the price is over $99.99, you can't exceed the 5-digit code, so it would have to be "59999" for anything over that, even $16,903.79 for example (makes no sense to me)...I will reveal more mysteries of the universe as I discover them...

Fun Fact: you can get your own barcode here:

That's where I got the one above. They make no guarantee of anything, legally speaking, so please don't sue them or me if your ISBN bar code doesn't come out so good.

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